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Error on testing data



Variable $x$ has mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$.

Estimator of mean

\[\begin{aligned} &m=\frac{1}{N}\ \sum_n^N\ x^n\neq\mu \\ &E[m]=E[\frac{1}{N}\ \sum_n^N\ x^n]=\frac{1}{N}\ \sum_n^N\ E[x^n]=\mu \end{aligned}\]

Thus unbiased.

Estimator of variance

\[\begin{aligned} &s^2=\frac{1}{N}\ \sum_n^N\ (x^n-m)^2 \\ &E[s^2]=\frac{N-1}{N}\ \sigma^2 \end{aligned}\]

Thus biased.

That means normally estimator of mean $m$ should be close to $\mu$, estimator of variance $s^2$ should be smaller than $\sigma^2$.

Simpler model is less influenced by the sampled data.

For bias, that means underfitting. We can redesign model, like

For variance, that means overfitting. We can do something, like

When training, we prefer using N-fold cross validation.
